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Faculty Demographics

Faculty Demographics

Faculty demographics are conducted annually. The data are extracted annually from the UCPath system on October 31. This date aligns with campus headcount reports and captures any delayed promotions and appointments that are retroactive to July in the same calendar year.

Please ensure that your UCPath data is accurate and up to date! Take less than five minutes to check your personal information. Need help? Use our handy guide​ to update your gender identity and ethnic group. ​​​

Demographic Data

  • A summary of the 2022 and 2021 Health Sciences faculty demographic data can be found on the Pulse website 
  • Please note that access to the website requires a UC San Diego active directory (AD) username and password.


Underrepresented Ethnic/Racial Groups (UR) Faculty

UC San Diego Health Sciences defines underrepresented ethnic/racial groups (UR) faculty as individuals from the following groups:

  • American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • Black/Afro-American (not Hispanic)
  • Filipino/Pilipino
  • Latin American/Latino/Latinx
  • Mexican/Mexican American/Chicano
  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
  • Other Spanish/Spanish American

This definition is based on three sources: underrepresented groups in STEM fields, NIH/NSF definitions, and comparing representation of groups in the 2010 Census for the State of California versus the 2013 Medical Board of California Physicians.

Faculty Attrition

This dataset comprises faculty who resigned or retired from their faculty positions between November 1 and October 31 of the prior year. This includes faculty who changed to a staff physician contract, non-salaried faculty position, or retired faculty who returned to active duty (RTAD).

Leadership Diversity

This dataset contains faculty with official academic leadership positions in Health Sciences with titles defined as leadership by the AAMC. This list is updated annually by OFA and verified before publication by department chairs and Health Sciences Administrative Leaders (HSSALs). Leadership positions are defined by the AAMC as follows:

  • Health Sciences Leadership: Vice Chancellors, Deans, and Interdepartmental Center Directors
  • Departmental Leadership: Chairs and Division/Section Chiefs

Faculty with multiple leadership positions are only counted once per category unless they have leadership positions in more than one department.