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Leading the Advancement of Underrepresented Neuroscientists for Change

Advancing the Diversity of Neuroscientists in the Biomedical Research Workforce


UC San Diego Leading the Advancement of Underrepresented Neuroscientists for Change (LAUNCH) program is only one of three national faculty programs sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

The goal of the program is to provide strong mentorship, professional development, and research training to improve the long-term success of early career faculty and postdoctoral scholars transitioning​ to a faculty position from groups that will broaden the demographics of biomedical workforce in neurosciences​. The program is open to junior faculty nationwide. Please note that eligible candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Participants will choose one of three research tracks to be mentored and trained:

  1. Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
  2. Cellular, Developmental, and Molecular Neuroscience
  3. Computational and Systems Neuroscience
Participation in the LAUNCH Program requires a one-year commitment in program participation with the following tentative timeline (with all travel expenses paid):​​
  • Active participation in the Grant Writing Course: The course will tentatively start remotely prior to the in-person Summer Institute I with weekly assignments due in June 2024
  • Attendance at the in-person Summer Institute I held July 14 - July 16, 2024 in La Jolla, CA
  • Attendance at the in-person in La Jolla or remote Mid-year Meeting in January 2025
  • Attendance at the in-person Summer Institute II in July 2025 in La Jolla


LAUNCH is supported by NIH/NINDS R25 NS117367 and UC San Diego Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences.

Principal Investigators (PIs): Drs. JoAnn Trejo and Vivian Reznik and; co-PIs, Drs. Mariana Cherner, Ronald Ellis, and Shelley Halpain.

Explore LAUNCH at UC San Diego

Interested in the LAUNCH program?

Submit an interest form for the LAUNCH program, and we will contact you directly once the recruitment is open.


Applications for the 2024-2025 LAUNCH Program are now closed.