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National Center of Leadership in Academic Medicine

​​​​​​​Over 25 Years of Promoting Faculty Development at UC San Diego

The National Center of Leadership in Academic Medicine (NCLAM) is a Health Sciences professional development program with a mentoring component for junior faculty at UC San Diego. NCLAM helps junior faculty develop skills appropriate for their academic career, implement a personal strategic plan, and expand their network of colleagues within Health Sciences and the University.




Professional Development for Junior Faculty

Junior faculty attend a series of 16 workshops with topics ranging from UC San Diego expectations for academic promotion, to skill development in teaching and research, to professional development and leadership training. During the second half of the program, junior faculty choose a professional development project and are matched with a senior faculty mentor who can facilitate their progress. In addition, the school/department of each junior faculty is reimbursed by the Vice Chancellor's Health Sciences Office for the time the faculty member dedicates to the NCLAM program.​


NCLAM is supported by UC San Diego Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences.