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Program Mentors

In the second half of the program, each National Center of Leadership in Academic Medicine (NCLAM) junior faculty member is matched with a senior faculty mentor to work on a Professional Development Contract (PDC) that encompasses a major part of their personal strategic plan. Two hundred and five faculty have participated as mentors from departments within the School of Medicine, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, as well as other schools within UC San Diego.

Department of Anesthesiology

  • Dan Lee, MD, PhD, Professor of Anesthesiology

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine


Department of Dermatology

  • Richard Gallo, MD, Interim Chair, Professor of Dermatology

Department of Emergency Medicine

  • Colleen Campbell, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine
  • Theodore Chan, MD, Department Chair, Professor of Emergency Medicine
  • Richard Clark, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine
  • Stephen Hayden, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine

Department of Family Medicine

  •  Matthew Allison, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health; NCLAM Alumni
  •  Wael Al-Delaimy, MD, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Maria Rosario Araneta, PhD, MPH, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Michael Criqui, MD, MPH, Professor Emeritus of Family and Preventive Medicine
  •  Anthony C. Gamst, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health and Neurosciences
  •  Ted Ganiats, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Erik Groessl, PhD, Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Sonia Jain, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Deborah Kado, MD, MS, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Hillary Klonoff-Cohen, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Richard Kronick, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Lisa Madlensky, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health; NCLAM Alumni
  •  Margaret McCahill, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Marianne Mckennett, MD, Clinical Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Paul Mills, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health and Psychiatry
  •  Kevin Patrick, MD, MS, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Ruth Patterson, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  John Pierce, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Lee Ralph, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Andrew Ries, MD, MPH, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Professor of Medicine and Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Natalie Rodriguez, MD, Professor of Family Medicine
  •  Gordon Saxe, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Josepth Scherger, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Denise Von Muhlen, MD, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Deborah Wingard, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health; NCLAM Co-Director
  •  Ronghui Xu, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health

Department of Medicine

  •  Seema Aceves, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Zia Agha, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Fotis Asimakopoulos, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Bill Auger, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Denise Barnard, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Kim Barrett, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Constance Benson, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Daniel Blanchard, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Gerry Boss, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Daniel Bouland, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Antonino Catanzaro, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Dennis Carson, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Webster K. Cavenee, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Medicine
  •  John T. Chang, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine
  •  Ju Chen, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Neil Chi, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  James W. Covell, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Ruth Covell, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine
  •  Leonard Deftos, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Michelle Devor, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Tim Dresselhaus, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Wolfgang Dillmann, MD, Department Chair, Professor of Medicine
  •  Lars Eckmann, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Steven Edelman, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Neil Farber, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Gary Firestein, MD, Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor of Translational Medicine, Professor of Medicine
  •  John Fontanesi, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  James H. Fowler, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Political Sciences
  •  Lawrence Friedman, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Francis Gabbai, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Richard Garfein, PhD, MPH, Professor of Medicine
  •  John Garvie, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Mark Ginsberg, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Charlie Goldberg, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Shawn Harrity, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Robert Henry, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Stephen Howell, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Joachim Ix, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Arthur Kavanaugh, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Kenneth Kalunian, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Carolyn J. Kelly, MD, Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs UCSD School of Medicine; Professor of Medicine
  •  Susan Lee, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Leslie Lenert, MD, MS, Professor of Medicine
  •  Wilbur Lew, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Susan Little, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Tony Lopez, MD​, Professor of Medicine
  •  Alan Maisel, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Jess Mandell, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Natasha Martin, Dphil, Professor of Medicine
  •  Chris Mathews, MD, MSPH, Professor of Medicine
  •  Gregory A. Maynard, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Thomas McAfee, MD, Dean for Clinical Affairs, Professor of Medicine
  •  Andrew McCulloch, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Bioengineering
  •  Gita Mehta, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Ravindra Mehta, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Allen McCutchan, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Marlene Millen, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Elaine Muchmore, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Constance Nagi, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Robert Naviaux, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
  •  Daniel O'Connor, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Lucia Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Barbara Parker, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Jacqueline Parthemore, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine
  •  Sandip Patel, MD, Professor of Medicine​
  •  Renate Pilz, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Thomas Savides, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine
  •  Amy Sitapati, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Cecilia Smith, DO, Professor of Medicine
  •  Davey Smith, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Maria Savoia, MD, Dean of Medical Education, Professor of Medicine
  •  Robert Steiner, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Stephanie Strathdee, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Marc Riedl, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Robert Ryder, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Nissi Varki, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Peter Wagner, MD, Emeritus Professor of Medicine
  •  Angela Wang, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Linda Wasserman, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Stephen Wasserman, MD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Nicholas Webster, PhD, Professor of Medicine
  •  Darcy Wooten, MD, MS, Professor of Medicine 
  •  Bruce Zuraw, MD, Professor of Medicine

Department of Neurosciences

  • Anders Dale, PhD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Ronald Ellis, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurosciences; NCLAM Alumni
  •  Richard Haas, MD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Edward H. Koo, MD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Mark Kritchevsky, MD, Professor Emeritus of Neurosciences
  •  Eliezer Masliah, MD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Brett Meyer, MD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  William Mobley, MD, PhD, Department Chair, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Rema Raman, PhD, Professor of Neurosciences and Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  John Ravits, MD, Professor of Neuroscience 
  •  Doris Trauner, MD, Professor of Neurosciences and Pediatrics
  •  Mark Tuszynski, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurosciences
  •  Erik Viirre, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurosciences and Surgery

Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences

  •  Sarah Averbach, MD, Professor of Obstetics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences 
  •  Jeffrey Chang, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
  •  Pamela Deak, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences; NCLAM Alumni
  •  D. Yvette LaCoursiere, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
  •  Emily (Mimi) Lukacz, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
  •  Pamela Mellon, PhD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences; NCLAM Leadership Council Member
  •  Thomas Moore, MD, Dean of Clinical Affairs, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
  •  Charles Nager, MD, Chair and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
  •  Steve Plaxe, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
  •  Angela Scioscia, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences, CMO of UC San Diego Health

Department of Ophthalmology

  • Todd Coleman, PhD, Professor of Bioengineering and Ophthalmology
  •  Linda Zangwill, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology; NCLAM Alumni

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

  •  Henry Chambers, MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery 
  •  Richard Lieber, PhD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
  •  Sam Ward, PhD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery 

Department of Pathology

  •  David Bailey, MD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Stephen Baird, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology
  •  Peter Ernst, DVM, PhD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Kurt Benirschke, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology
  •  Colin Bloor, MD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Nigel Calcutt, PhD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Donna Hansel, MD, PhD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Brian Herndier, M.D, PhD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Jonathan Lin, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology
  •  Henry Powell, MD, DSc, Professor of Pathology
  •  G. Diane Shelton, DVM, PhD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Sharon Reed, MD, Professor of Pathology
  •  Subhojit Roy, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology

Department of Pediatrics

  •  Gretchen Bandoli, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics 
  •  Kerri Boutelle, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Shelia Broyles, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics
  •  Jane C. Burns, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH, Professor of Pediatrics and Family Medicine and Public Health
  •  Sandra P. Daley, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics
  •  Michael Gottschalk, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Sheila Gahagan, MD, MPH, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Sanjeet Hedge, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Doris Howell, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics
  •  Marilyn Jones, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Nancy Kaufman, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Cynthia L. Kuelbs, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Albert La Spada, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Krishelle Marc-Aurele, MD, Professor of Pediatrics 
  •  Phillip Nader, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics
  •  Sanjay Nigam, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Cellular and Molecular Medicine
  •  Victor Nizet, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, NCLAM Leadership Council Member
  •  Jeff Schwimmer, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
  •  Martin Stein, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics
  •  Tony Wynshaw-Boris, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics

Department of Pharmacology

  • Jack Dixon, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Associate Vice Chancellor for Scientific Affairs
  • Tony Hunger, PhD, Professor of Pharmacology, Division of Biological Sciences, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
  • Alexandra Newton, PhD, Professor of Pharmacology
  • Robert Tukey, PhD, Professor of Pharmacology

Department of Psychiatry

  • Gregory Brown, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Colin Depp, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry; NCLAM Leadership Council Member & NCLAM Alumni
  • David Deitch, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry
  • Joel Dimsdale, MD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Igor Grant, MD, Department Chair, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Terry Jernigan, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Patricia Judd, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Kathleen Kim, MD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • John Landsverk, PhD, Emeeritus Profess of Psychiatry
  • Carla Marienfeld, MD, Professor of Psychiatry 
  • Jack Maser, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Caroline Nievergelt, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry 
  • Barbara Parry, MD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Thomas Patterson, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • William Perry, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Marc Schuckit, MD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • David Segal, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Murray Stein, MD, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry

Department of Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences

  • Loren K. Mell, MD, Associate Professor of Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences; NCLAM Alumni 
  • James Murphy, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences; NCLAM Alumni, NCLAM Leadership Council 

Department of Radiology

  • Richard Buxton, PhD, Professor of Radiology
  • Christine B. Chung, MD, Professor of Radiology
  • Lawrence Frank, PhD, Professor of Radiology
  • Linda Olson, MD, Professor Emeritus of Radiology
  • David Vera, PhD, Professor of Radiology
  • Eric C. Wong, MD, PhD, Professor of Radiology and Psychiatry

Department of Surgery

  •  Jay Doucet, MD, FACS, Professor of Surgery
  •  Santiago Horgan, MD, Professor of Clinical Surgery
  •  Larry Marshall, MD, Professor Emeritus of Surgery
  •  Andrew Lowy, MD, Professor of Surgery
  •  Geoffroy Noel, PhD, Professor of Surgery 
  •  Georgia Sadler, PhD, Director of Community Outreach, Moores Cancer Center, Professor of Surgery
  •  Allen Ryan, PhD, Professor of Surgery

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

  • Lawrence Goldstein, PhD, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Charles Daniels, PhD, Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Williams Ettouati, DPharm, Director of Industry Relations and Development, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Åsa Gustafsson, PhD, Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology
  • Tracy Handel, PhD, Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Jan Hirsch, BS.Pharm, PhD, Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • James McKerrow, PhD, MD, Distinguished Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Distinguished Professor of Pathology
  • Ana Pajor, PhD, Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Deborah Spector, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Cellular & Molecular Medicine

Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Longevity Science

  • Victoria Ojeda, PhD, MPH, Professor of Public Health and Longevity Science

Additional Schools at UC San Diego

  •  Kit Poglianp, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biology, School of Biological Sciences 
  •  Elizabeth Simon, MD, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering; Jacobs School of Engineering
  •  David Schkade, PhD, Professor of Economics and Strategic Management; Rady School of Management

External Mentors

  • Karen Garman, EdD, President of Healthcare Education, Leadership & Performance, Inc.
  • Daniel Masys, MD, Professor of Biomedical Informatics; Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Lawrence Palinkas, PhD, Professor of School of Social Work; University of Southern California​