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Department/Division Mentor Programs

Health Sciences Schools

Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health

  • DMDs
    • Suzi Hong, PhD
  • Program Highlights
    • Previous DMD, Dr. Andrea LaCroix, led a discipline-specific Grant Writing Course (GWC) for Population and Behavioral Health in collaboration with OFA

Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • DMDs
    • Dionicio Siegel, PhD
    • Jennifer Le, PharmD
    • Joseph Ma, PharmD
  • Program Highlights
    • Almost 100% of faculty are trained

School of Medicine Departments


  • DMD
    • Ulrich Schmidt, MD, PhD, MBA
  • Mentor Facilitators
    • Ulrich Schmidt, MD, PhD, MBA
    • Kimberly Robbins, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Alyssa Brzenski, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • Mentoring retreat to solicit feedback from faculty
    • iShare website with private folders for mentor-mentee pairs
    • Jr. faculty wait 3-6 months before selecting mentors
    • Mentor-mentee pairing outside divisions

Cellular and Molecular Medicine

  • DMDs
    • Bruce Hamilton, PhD
    • Kevin Corbett, PhD


  • DMD
    • Lawrence Eichenfield, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Richard Gallo, MD, PhD
    • Tissa Hata, MD

Emergency Medicine

  • DMD
    • Rick Clark, MD
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • Stephen Hayden, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Theodore Chan, MD
    • Brian Snyder, MD
    • Eddie Castillo, PhD, MPH
  • Program Highlights
    • Delivered FMTP modules at regular faculty meetings
    • Held info sessions for jr. faculty
    • Organize peer-to-peer mentoring
    • DMDs review CDPs

Family Medicine

  • Mentor Facilitator
    • Sarah Merrill, MD


  • DMD
    • Joachim Ix, MD
  • Mentor Facilitators
    • Darcy Wooten, MD, MS
    • Edward Chao, DO
    • Heather Hofflich, DO
  • Council of Mentors
    • Gerry Boss, MD
    • Luis Castellanos, MD, MPH
    • Chantal Darquenne, PhD
    • Francis Gabbai, MD
    • Richard Garfein, PhD, MPH
    • Charlie Goldberg, MD
    • Simerjot Jassal, MD, MAS, FACP
    • Kim Kerr, MD
    • Susan Little, MD
    • Jess Mandel, MD
    • Alison Moore, MD, MPH
    • Elaine Muchmore, MD
    • Rebecca Sell, MD
  • Program Highlight
    • Jr. faculty select mentors from published list of mentors; mismatches are rematched


  • DMDs
    • John Ravits, PhD
    • Irene Litvan, MD
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • John Ravits, PhD
  • Advisory Committee
    • James Brewer, PhD
    • Sean Evans, PhD
    • Hector Gonzalez, PhD

Neurological Surgery

  • DMD
    • Joseph Ciacci, MD

Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Science

  • DMDs
    • Varykina Thackray, PhD
    • Gladys 'Sandy' Ramos, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Emily Lukacz, MD
    • Miles Wilkinson, PhD
  • Program Highlights
    • All jr. faculty, including MSPs, are assigned mentoring teams (1 junior, 1 mid-level, and 1 senior faculty member)
    • Mentor-mentees intentionally matched outside division
    • Department meetings are extended by 1.5 hours for mentoring discussions


  • DMD
    • Natalie Afshari, MD
    • Don Kikkawa, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Linda Zangwill, PhD
    • Rahda Ayyagari, PhD
    • Michael Goldbaum, MD
    • William Freeman, MD
    • Robert Weinreb, MD, PhD


  • DMDs
    • Jack Bui, MD, PhD
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • Judith Varner, PhD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Christina Sigurdson, PhD, DVM
    • Andres Roma, MD
    • Jay Desgrosellier, PhD
    • Anne Hiniker, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • Held 11 hours of mentor facilitator-led training for clinical and research faculty
    • Implemented Grant Writing Course (GWC) in department
    • Allow jr. faculty to choose mentor or assign mentors
    • Established mentor-mentee pairs for all jr. faculty and held DMD meetings with pairs
    • Invited speaker to discuss academic advancement with mentor-mentee pairs


  • DMD
    • Ami Doshi, MD
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • Kyung (Kay) Rhee, MD


  • DMDs
    • Alexandra Newton, PhD
    • Bill Joiner, PhD


  • DMD
    • Joanna Jacobus, PhD
  • Mentor Facilitators
    • Greg Appelbaum, PhD
    • Mariana Cherner, PhD
    • Victoria Risbrough, PhD
    • Xianjin Zhou, PhD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Laurie Lindamer, PhD
    • Catherine Ayers, PhD
    • Anne Bird, MD
    • Robert Heaton, PhD
    • Jeremy Hirst, MD
    • Suzi Hong, PhD
    • Joanna Horning
    • Steve Huege, MD
    • Carla Marienfeld, MD
    • Sanjai Rao, MD
    • Elizabeth Wrape, PhD
    • Lisa Eyler, PhD
  • Program Highlights
    • All jr. faculty assigned 2 mentors (career and academic)
    • Many MSPs have transitioned to faculty roles
    • Location-based mentoring rather than "division"-based
    • Mentorship focused on promotion

Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences

  • DMD
    • Jona Hattangadi-Gluth, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • Mentorship program for Assistant professors
      • 1:1 matches
      • Mentor-mentee formal meetings at least 2x a year for at least 2 years
      • Mentorship topics vary; promotion must be a central theme. Discussions revolve around the CDP.
    • Sponsorship program for Associate professors
      • Sponsorship teams (groups of 2-3 faculty) with at least 1 person outside the department, outside the university, national/international
      • Career Assessment of mid-level faculty
      • Example goals: foster new research collaborations, chair national committee, serve on NIH study section


  • DMDs
    •  Nikdokht (Niky) Farid, MD
    • Sean Tutton, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • ​Christine Chung, MD
    • Alexander Norbash, MD
    • Thomas Liu, PhD, MBA
    • Nikdohkt Farid, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • Deployed a formal peer mentoring program, Rad-WEL, that meets monthly and provides tools for jr. and mid-career faculty


  • DMD
    • Sarah Blair, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Jason Sicklick, MD
    • Andrew Lowy, MD
    • Mahmoud Malas, MD
    • Sonia Ramamoorthy, MD
    • Amanda Gosman, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • Conducted faculty needs assessment
    • Organized quarterly faculty development workshops via Zoom
    • Assign jr. faculty 2 mentors
    • Division Chiefs (or designees) meet with faculty 2x per year, once for salary review, once for academic and teaching review


  • DMD
    • Jennifer Anger, MD, MPH

"actions express priorities"

 -mohandas (mahatma) ghandi

Divisions with FMTP

Biomedical Informatics

  • DMDs
    • Robert El-Kareh, MD
    • Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • Robert El-Kareh, MD
  • Advisor
    • Michael Hogarth, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • 2-hr faculty mini-retreat on mentoring
    • 2-hr trainee meetings (needs assessment, FMTP Toolkit)
    • Quarterly mentoring activities at faculty meetings

General Internal Medicine

  • DMDs
    • Lawrence Ma, MD
    • Heather Hofflich, DO
  • Mentor Facilitators
    • Edward Chao, DO
    • Heather Hofflich, DO

Geriatrics, Gerontology and Palliative Care

  • DMDs
    • EB Sladek, MD
    • Veronica Gonzalez, MD
    • Gary Buckholz, MD
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • EB Sladek, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Alison Moore, MD
    • Roopali Gupta, MD
    • Colin Thomas, MD, MPH
    • Khai Nguyen, MD, MHS
    • Simerjot Jassal, MD
  • Program Highlights
    • Each jr. faculty, including MSPs, paired with sr. faculty
    • Provide pairs with Mentorship Roadmap (abbreviated FMTP Toolkit) with yearly timelines
    • CDPs are formalized and submitted
    • Monthly check-ins at division meetings
    • Review one mentorship tip at monthly division meetings
    • Distributed survey regarding mentorship culture

Hospital Medicine

  • DMD
    • Greg Seymann, MD
  • Advisory Committee
    • Meghan Sebasky, MD
    • Ian Jenkins, MD
    • Dan Bouland, MD

Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health

  • DMD
    • Sara Gianella Weibel, MD
    • Darcy Wooten, MD, MS​
  • Mentor Facilitator
    • Darcy Wooten, MD, MS
  • Advisory Committee
    • Davey Smith, MD, MS
    • Maile Karris, MD
    • Laura Bamford, MD
    • Annie Cowell, MD, MPH
    • Natasha Martin, PhD
  • Program Highlight
    • Mentees select 3 mentors of interest; leadership selects the final pair


  • DMD
    • Dena Rifkin, MD, MS